My Birth Journey: Why I'm Choosing Homebirth
My journey to a home birth, and in my case, a home birth after two cesarean sections (HBA2C) is not one that I made on a whim, or without...

The Fitness Doc Food Staples: Steel Cut Oats
I can’t remember exactly when I fell in LOVE with steel cut oats, but since the first time I had them, I’ve been hooked. I want to share...

The Fitness Doc, Third Trimester Fitness: Walking
I AM A RUNNER. I love running. I’ve been running as long as I can remember. Growing up, it was a family tradition to travel to a lake...

Get Ramadan Ready!
Ramadan Mubarak! Does Ramadan "sneak up" on you every year? Are you tired of having elusive Ramadan Goals? NOT THIS YEAR!! I have teamed...

Dr. ‘Ali, The Fitness Doc: Who Am I?
This question is probably one of the hardest to answer for me. I mean I KNOW who I am, but how do I put into words who I am without...