Manifesting HEAVEN at 37!
A couple of years ago, in 2015, I was stuck in a rut. *Adulting* was getting overwhelming, so I decided to get back to having fun on my birthday. I picked out a theme that would set the tone for my birthday month and the rest my solar year. My theme was "Living to THRIVE at 35!". I set out to have some fun and adventure during the month of August. In addition to my regular running and teaching schedule, I went bowling, skating, to music and cultural festivals, and zip lining. I even participated a 5K run with Kevin Hart, and took a sisters girls trip to NYC. The highlight of the month was a surprise birthday getaway to Cancun, Mexico!

Little did I know that I was going to experience a wide range of thriving during my 35th year. Although I ended 2015 on a high note, 2016 hit with a vengeance. In February my father passed when I was 5 months pregnant with our 3rd child. In June, I finally got the home birth I'd dreamed of. It would be safe to say it was a very low-high-low-high year. The most ups and downs I can remember in recent adult years.

I didn't give my birthday in 2016 much thought. Our son was just born seven weeks prior. To celebrate his life, we had his aqiqah on the Sunday that coincided with my birthday. I spent most of my 36th year just making it through. Making it through the day, the week, the next race. Just wanting it -- the ickiness-- to be over, yet knowing it -- life-- must continue.
This year, I'm chosing to be more introspective with the theme: "Manifesting HEAVEN at 37!" I'm giving more energy and attention to healing, self-care, and self-preservation. I'm planning on physical down time and truly connecting with myself. In addition to my monthly physical self-care routines, I'm nourishing my emotional, and mental health; creating my very own heaven 🙂. It just so happens there there are some pretty cool events happening this month to help me do just that!
First things first, now through the end of August, I'm instructing Five Rounds Fit Camp Saturday's 8:30 -9:30 am at Druid Hill Park, $10 to drop-in. Bring a yoga mat, water, and a positive attitude, and I've got the rest!

It's quite remarkable how, once you make sincere intentions and actions, the very thing you need falls right into your lap. I chose my theme for this year "Manifesting HEAVEN at 37!", and then THIS HAPPENED! The Self-Care, Soul-Care Healing & Empowerment Retreat on August 19. Described as "sound healing, yoga, meditation, reiki, aromatherapy, story journaling, sensual movement and sacred crafting, this retreat/workshop provides an opportunity for women to learn how to manage their energy, feed their souls, connect with their higher self and spiritual guides, hold space for themselves to be nurtured in their daily lives and emerge with practical steps and personalized *Self Care*Soul Care*™plans." Ooohh-wee! When this jewel popped into my inbox, I knew I needed to be there.

An important part of my self-care is nurturing healthy relationships. I'm honoring myself as a wife, with a couple of date nights with the hubs. I'm quite excited to see The Roots in concert. Funny story: I was telling some of the senior ladies in my senior fitness class about my birthday plans to see The Roots. They said "Isn't that the band that plays on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon?" 😂😂
In honoring myself as a friend, I plan on meeting up with some of my fellow alumna from Talladega College, and hosting an inaugural Sister's Who Brunch date. In also honoring myself as a mother we will take the kiddos to some family friendly activities, including the Howard County fair, water park adventures, and the African American Heritage Festival.
Ending the month with a BANG! On August 26, the Vegan SoulFest, Baltimore Black Wall Street Festival and NLife Outdoor Movie: Hidden Figures are must attend events!To my Baltimore FHYtter's, I hope to see you out and about at some of these events. If you see me, say Hi!
To my fellow August babies, adjust your crown👑 and enjoy your Birthday! 🎉🎉

~Dr. 'Ali, Birthday Queen