Relationship GOALS! "Touch" Workshop Recap and FREE Couple's Guide
Oftentimes when we think of intimacy we immediately think of sex, or foreplay or something leading to sex. Snuggling, cuddling, sleeping clo

The Fitness Doc: 2016 Year End Events!
The last month of 2016 is upon us, and I'm going to be busy! First up, December 10, on the East Coast, Baltimore to be exact, my husband...

Let's EAT! HelloFresh Review
The Fitness Doc reviews the veggie box from HelloFresh

Ask The Fitness Doc: How Do You Get Children to Eat Their Veggies?
Children are back in school. . .YAYYY!! If your summer was anything like ours, back to school also means back to planning, scheduling,...

Once Upon a Birth: My Birth Story
There are experiences that test your faith, and there are experiences that show you just how real G-d is. .. my birth story is both of...

Call The Midwife! Homebirth Prenatal Care
It's been a little over a week since our little fella was born, I'm STILL on cloud 9,999! I've gotten a lot of questions about home...

My Homebirth Journey: He's Here!!
Bismillah (With The Name of G-d). I am still processing the life altering events that have occurred over the weekend. Grateful, humbled,...

Our Homebirth Journey: My Village
It takes a village to raise a child. . .and a woman/mother. . .and a man/father! Today I want to express gratitude to our village! When I...

Our Homebirth Journey: Mental Preparation
In the *modified* famous words of Beyoncé, “I see it (vision), I want it (goal), I grind hard (action), I own it (success)!” I believe...

To my Unforgettable Daddy on Father's Day
Imam Maajid Faheem ‘Ali July 18, 1953 - February 27, 2016 Inna lillahi wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un “ ‘Tis better to have love and lost, than...